residential masterplan
Residential Masterplan for 1,200 Units
80 Acre Residential Masterplan
The proposed development involves the construction of 1,200 new residential units spread over an area of approximately 80 Acres.
This includes a new primary school, local community hub and various LEAPs spread over the large area to accommodate for the new housing provisions. Due to various constraints on the site, Wainwrights managed to achieve a total developable area of approximately 50% which was over the initial predicated estimate.
- Location: Barlby
- Duration: TBC
- Value: Approx £4.5m
1,200 new units over 80 acres
Within the overall site layout, we have ensured that there is a buffer zone of green open space between the A19 and the residential units.
This will act as an acoustic shield for the residents as well as incorporating swales as part of the Sustainable Urban Drainage Strategy (SuDS) of the site.
Get in touch today.